Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Why start an online business

Do you know the most common characteristic nearly all millionaires share?
If your answer is "owning their own business" , you're absolutely correct!

Think about it - is your job ever going to make you rich? You and I both know you could work your fingers to the bone at even the best J.O.B. and you would never get rich. You might make a lot more money, but in the process you'd be giving up life's most precious commodity - time! Your time for their money will never make you rich! I know of a lot of people who make over a $100,000 a year but work 12-15 or more hours a day, seven days a week. Is that really rich?Divide what they make by the number of hours they work and you may be surprised at thier "hourly" wage. Ownership is the key. Even the big wigs who pull down those multi-figure salaries usually own a part of the company thru shares,stock options, etc.

I read somewhere once that at least 80% of all millionaires are self-made? That is, they started with nothing but ambition and energy, the same way most of us start. What is the difference between them and us? I choose to believe there is no difference, only a decision to actively control one's own destiny. Will I ever become a millionaire? I sure plan to and if I fail it certainly won't be for lack of trying.

A New Name ...A New Direction

I've decided to go in a new direction. The blog has been renamed to "Ledon's Blog " and will concentrate more on business and online marketing. Stay tuned as it going to be very informational. No not a lot of "get-rich-quick" stuff but solid information on becoming successful. Call it get rich slow (smile).