Sunday, May 27, 2007

Using Squueze Pages

All of us have used the affiliate pages provided by the
various programs we join. While that may work at first
when everyone starts doing the same thing it soon starts
to lose it's effectiveness. Why? Simple saturation.
Prospects see it so much they start to ignore it.
For instance, I have received far more signups in
MyWorldPlus from using my own little splash page
than the company affiliate page.

Which brings me to using squeeze pages. Squeeze pages
are similar to splash pages but are designed more for
list building. The object is not to get someone to buy
right away but rather to sign up or subscribe for more
info. You can then slowly introduce them to your product
or program. That is why the so called "gurus" have a leg
up on everybody. The actual "super duper looptie secret"
they are trying to sell is not the true secret to their
success. They rather have built such large lists that
even if they only get a 1% response -THEY MAKE BUNDLES.

So about what makes a squeeze page effective at getting
visitors to subscribe rather than click away. Probably
the most important is the layout of the page. Creating a
good template for your squeeze page and testing and
tweaking it can take quite a bit of time.

All of the time you spend doing that will cost you
subscribers as you work to get your squeeze page
converting properly. After all if only 2% of your
visitors sign up instead of 20% you have lost quite
a few chances to get people to return.

That is one of the big advantages of using the tested
templates offered by Instant Squueze Page Generator.
No learning curve to cost you subscribers.

Check it out below:

To your success
Satellite Radio- The future lies within.