Monday, January 24, 2005

Mistake #2

The second major mistake I made as an internet marketer was one you should seriously try to avoid. It is called Program Hopping. I don't want to confuse this with a similar but more profitable approach called Multiple Streams of Income.

What is the difference? Simply a matter of perception and of course profit. As a program hopper, I went from opportunity to opportunity making very little if any income. I would spend a lot of money to get started, get on autoship, stockpile product, etc. I would make a serious attempt at promoting the program, get frustrated, and then quit because I wasn't making any money. I would then hop to the next big "can't miss" opportunity hoping to again make my fortune. This cycle continued until I ran out of money and was ready to give up on internet marketing period. Sound familiar?

Compare this with the person who chooses to build multiple streams of income. This person first finds a suitable opportunity. This may involve a little trial and error hence the similarity with program hopping. However, unlike the program hopper, this person learns what it takes to build a business. Building a business is more than just making a quick profit. It's about building and supporting a team who in turn sustain your ongoing profits.

Once the first business is built and going strong the next opportunity is approached in the same way. While the program hopper is still bouncing from bizop to bizop, the other person is not only making a profit but building another source of income in a second business. It is not a wonder that an estimated 90 percent of internet marketers will not make a profit. Most of us are just "hopping" around leaving mega profits for the other 10 percent who committed to building a business the right way.

My advice. Take the time and learn about internet marketing. Learn how to market online as well as offline. Learn how to support and build the people beneath you. Together we can all achieve great things. Alone we run the risk of failure more often than not.
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