Thursday, September 30, 2004

A Prime Example

There have always been programs that make claims such as "no sponsoring or recruiting required","we do all the work", "make oodles of cash", etc., etc. In the past, I myself,joined now defunct programs like GMT(Get Moving Today) and FNI (Freedom Network International) with hopes of making a lot of money. Both hyped making money without sponsoring and brought in thousands of people. Ultimately, I was left high and dry along with many other disgruntled patrons. I did manage to make a profit with a smaller program called the The 7th Phase which tried valiantly to continue after the demise of the bigger programs.

"7th phase" recently shut down when the owner determined he could no longer compete within the "tainted environment" left by GMT and FNI. He was honest and I salute his effort. However, people were quite skeptical after getting burned by GMT and FNI. It's a shame that the good guys have to suffer while the scam artists continue to proliferate and invent new ways to get your money.

The recent rise of doubler programs provides a great example of why you should do your homework before jumping into any new program. A lot of people have already been burned by the collapse of a few doubler programs. Perhaps this will help you avoid the same fate.

Doublers operate on the principle of returning double your investment after a period of time. The money you invest is put into a straight line matrix and when enough funds enter the matrix your investment cycles returning double the amount to you. Sounds simple enough.

The danger with doublers is that unless the program is tied to a "legitimate" renewable product it will eventually slow to a point of failure leaving behind a lot of "undoubled" and forfeited cash . That currently is the case with more than a few doubler programs. Had the investors crunched the numbers they would have seen it coming.

Don't misunderstand me. Doublers Do Make Money!. Get in early enough and you can make a lot of money. If and only if the program is legitimate you will continue to make money for years to come. Just know what you are getting into. For those wishing to try one I can only offer these guidelines:

1. Programs must have a legitimate renewable product. Something that people will continue to buy like leads or advertising. Not some one time purchase item or ebook.

2. Know who you are dealing with. Anyone can buy a doubler script for under $300 nowadays and start a program. Make sure they are reputable.

3. Have a success strategy. Try to get your original investment back as soon as possible and then use your profit to continue. Even if the program fails you won't have risked anything.

4. Never risk more than you can afford to lose and don't tie up needed cash. It may take days, weeks or months your reach payout. Don't risk the rent money!

5. Be alert for signs of trouble. It is normal for cycle times to increase as more people invest. However, if the company starts running "cycling specials" that is a strong sign of impending shutdown. The owners are trying to get as much money as possible before making their getaway.

There are a few trustworthy doubler programs out there that should be around for years to come. One is the RSVP program run by Empowerism. Cycle times are currently around 50-60 days but don't fret about that. It is still quicker than your bank don't you agree. The only drawback is that you have to be a member to participate. Membership is by subscription and costs $19.99 a month. However, an Empowerism membership is well worth the cost as they offer some of the best leads, business tools and online training. Such things are must have resources for anyone seeking to make a profit online.