Sunday, September 18, 2005

Monetizing your artwork

If you are in to free things that can actually make you money consider this noveaux program. Doesn't cost you anything to join and you can make a good income. This is a plus especially if you enjoy art. Artful Design By Ledon

Help Katrina Victims. Donate to your local Red Cross.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Beam Me Up Scotty -On Last time`

As most people in my generation would attest, you have to go pretty far not to at least have heard that phrase. Unlike the death of Deforest Kelly ( Dr. McCoy), I heard of James Doohan's passing first hand. By contrast I read about Kelly passing in TV Guide severely after the fact. Despite the rise of the new shows I will always remember that quirky engineer from what I consider the best of the franchise- Star Trek- TOS. And here's to you Mr. Scott- may you find happiness in the "final frontier".
Beam Me Up Scotty- One Last Time! A tribute to James Doohan

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Lesson: Every one is a friend when things are going good

Someone once said that in "good times we have a lot of friends. In bad times we find out who are friends really are." Accept this now as a truism. Don't wait to find out the hard way.

Over time I've been in "business" with more than a few internet "friends". I use the term loosely since a little adversity has allowed me to identify those who are and those who aren't.

You see when times were good and money abounded I was always getting calls. "Do me a favor, I'm in a new program... just need one more to qualify etc., etc... join this program for me and I'll return the favor one day." Of course being a friend and wanting to see that person succeed in most cases I would do so. In either case, I would at least evaluate the program to see it's worthiness to me. If it looked like it could be something, I would join for the friend's sake. Sometimes we made made money sometimes we didn't. However, I have always tried to support those who I was in business with. Lately, I've asked some of those same people to join me in a "free" venture and very few have stepped up to the plate. I now know who my true friends are.

The lesson here is that if you spend your hard earned money to join a "friend's" program and then that friend will not even consider joining your free program-that person is NOT YOUR FRIEND. That person just wants to use you for your cash. The next time they ask you for a favor-politely tell them where to stuff it.

Free to sign up:

Friday, June 24, 2005

And the Winner IS?

Well, Well, Wall, another season concludes for the NBA.
Although I would have preferred the Miami Heat, it was thrilling to watch the Spurs and Pistons duke it out.
There must be a lesson here.

Oh yea, keep the odds in your favor.

Very hard to do but the Pistons were a game lot. Sorry to see either team lose but that's why they call it the home court advantage. Spurs Rule in 2005!Duncan voted MVP of course.

Check Out Some Great Items for the 2005 NBA Champions

Monday, June 06, 2005

Gurus are human

Like many, I have been experiencing some low periods lately. No matter what I've been going through, it pales in comparison to the loss of a young life. If you haven't heard, Corey Rudl passed away on June 2. He and an associate were both killed when the Porsche they were driving crashed at a speedway in California.

Corey was a marketing guru who made over 7 million a year from his products. Hard to believe he was only 34 years old. Many of you have probably seen his products from the Internet Marketing Center.

Is there a lesson in his death? Perhaps. Maybe it cause the rest of us to reevaluate the true meaning of our own lives.
Herb Baker
webmaster -

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

A Funky Month

May is turning out to be one of those funky months for me. You know, the kind where revenue increases in one program but drops more in another. It can be frustrating. But remember my motto:
Never give up ---never surrender.

Note to self: get another motto.

Do You Adjive?

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Mistake #3

One mistake I try to avoid is missing out on a good thing because of my skepticism. Yes, I've been burned many times. There's been times when I should have done more diligence and listened to my inner "scam alert". I always figure better safe than sorry when it comes to losing money. However, sometimes you just have to weigh the benefits against the risks to make your decision. Such was true of my recent experience.

To begin I was offered a chance to be early in an opportunity last month. I mean "mega early". Unfortunately, I let my skepticism win out when I should have just looked at the money to be made against the risk of a small one time outlay.

At first look, I decided it was "been there done that". The program looked very similar to a subscription based program that I was already in that has not started producing the kind of income I desire. I decided against it because I didn't want to tie up any more funds in programs that I felt would be slow in producing a profit for me.

However, when I was contacted again about this program after it had launched and saw the money that was being made, I quickly realized I had been the victim of my own short-sightedness. I missed out on some early money but I'm glad to say I saw the error of my ways and got on the bus.

If you would like to evaluate this program for yourself

After weighing the benefits of getting paid weekly and quickly I think it is well worth the small one time outlay. Very little risk for a growing weekly income.

To Your Success,
Vintage Sports Posters. Visit Ledons Sports

Thursday, March 17, 2005

New Article Posted

I've posted a new article at Better For You, our sister site. The article titled How To Avoid Key Online Mistakes provides an excellent expose on common mistakes that can ruin your business. The author's info is included and be sure to post your comments.

How Quickly would you say Yes?
How Quickly would you say Yes if a Self-Made Billionaire asked you to be a part of his next Billion Dollar Project? Visit this Web Site at: find out how quick you'll do it!

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Profile: Crazy Sports

From time to time I like to share opportunities that are working and ways to approach them. With the Super Bowl just concluded now is a good time to profile a great niche business- Crazy Sports.

I stumbled upon Crazy Sports by accident just from knowing someone who knew someone else. That happens sometimes for those of us who keep our nose to the ground sniffing for new business. I was lucky enough or unlucky enough to find it in prelaunch. I say that because at that early stage you always have to take the good with the bad. There are always bumps in the road with prelaunch and if you are committed you have to weather them. If not you quit and just add to the failure rates we've discussed before. Needless to say, there were are lot of obstacles(programming,vendor delays, etc) but to the determination of the the founder and CEO, Craig Rehak, Crazy Sports is still going strong today after several years.

Crazy Sports offers a variety of officially licensed sports products and memorabilia for all the major sports, both pro and college. They also feature a selection of hard to find specialty items for the delight of the die hard fan. All items are customizable for your favorite teams. So, for example, if you are a Packer fan living in Tampa Bay you don't have to suffer searching aimlessly at the local mall for a nonexistant Brett Favre jersey.

Crazy Sports has an excellent attached business opportunity but I recommend this company more for its retail sales aspect. You can actually join the opportunity as A Free Agent for free. If you are one of those who wants to buld a sales team you can choose to upgrade to Minor League or Major League player later. As a Free Agent you can earn a percentage of every sale through your unique sales url. Not a bad way to accumulate some easy income for those looking for a solid business.

Sports is a billion dollar industry and online sales are a large portion of that. I have found that Crazy Sports works well in Pay Per Click promotions,portal sites,classified ads, etc.
For more information visit CRAZY SPORTS. Congrats to the PATS-- 3 time super Bowl Champions. Who will it be next year?

Monday, January 24, 2005

Mistake #2

The second major mistake I made as an internet marketer was one you should seriously try to avoid. It is called Program Hopping. I don't want to confuse this with a similar but more profitable approach called Multiple Streams of Income.

What is the difference? Simply a matter of perception and of course profit. As a program hopper, I went from opportunity to opportunity making very little if any income. I would spend a lot of money to get started, get on autoship, stockpile product, etc. I would make a serious attempt at promoting the program, get frustrated, and then quit because I wasn't making any money. I would then hop to the next big "can't miss" opportunity hoping to again make my fortune. This cycle continued until I ran out of money and was ready to give up on internet marketing period. Sound familiar?

Compare this with the person who chooses to build multiple streams of income. This person first finds a suitable opportunity. This may involve a little trial and error hence the similarity with program hopping. However, unlike the program hopper, this person learns what it takes to build a business. Building a business is more than just making a quick profit. It's about building and supporting a team who in turn sustain your ongoing profits.

Once the first business is built and going strong the next opportunity is approached in the same way. While the program hopper is still bouncing from bizop to bizop, the other person is not only making a profit but building another source of income in a second business. It is not a wonder that an estimated 90 percent of internet marketers will not make a profit. Most of us are just "hopping" around leaving mega profits for the other 10 percent who committed to building a business the right way.

My advice. Take the time and learn about internet marketing. Learn how to market online as well as offline. Learn how to support and build the people beneath you. Together we can all achieve great things. Alone we run the risk of failure more often than not.
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