Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Beam Me Up Scotty -On Last time`

As most people in my generation would attest, you have to go pretty far not to at least have heard that phrase. Unlike the death of Deforest Kelly ( Dr. McCoy), I heard of James Doohan's passing first hand. By contrast I read about Kelly passing in TV Guide severely after the fact. Despite the rise of the new shows I will always remember that quirky engineer from what I consider the best of the franchise- Star Trek- TOS. And here's to you Mr. Scott- may you find happiness in the "final frontier".
Beam Me Up Scotty- One Last Time! A tribute to James Doohan

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Lesson: Every one is a friend when things are going good

Someone once said that in "good times we have a lot of friends. In bad times we find out who are friends really are." Accept this now as a truism. Don't wait to find out the hard way.

Over time I've been in "business" with more than a few internet "friends". I use the term loosely since a little adversity has allowed me to identify those who are and those who aren't.

You see when times were good and money abounded I was always getting calls. "Do me a favor, I'm in a new program... just need one more to qualify etc., etc... join this program for me and I'll return the favor one day." Of course being a friend and wanting to see that person succeed in most cases I would do so. In either case, I would at least evaluate the program to see it's worthiness to me. If it looked like it could be something, I would join for the friend's sake. Sometimes we made made money sometimes we didn't. However, I have always tried to support those who I was in business with. Lately, I've asked some of those same people to join me in a "free" venture and very few have stepped up to the plate. I now know who my true friends are.

The lesson here is that if you spend your hard earned money to join a "friend's" program and then that friend will not even consider joining your free program-that person is NOT YOUR FRIEND. That person just wants to use you for your cash. The next time they ask you for a favor-politely tell them where to stuff it.

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