Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Daily Rewards

Breaking News!
We've partnered with "Igetitdaily.com" so visitors to Ledon.com can now earn daily rewards points. Be sure to click on the Igetitdaily banner at the bottom of the site to get the secret code of the day and earn reward points. Rewards can be used for merchandise listed on Igetitdaily.

Bargains, Deals, Specials and more

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Our Verdict

We decided to cancel our enrollment in Mentors Club.
Not to worry, it was purely a financial decision.
The concept is good but we don't feel the monthly
price point is conducive for the number of enrollments
necessary to maximize profits with their payplan.
Thus we can longer see trying to build a downline in it.
We liked the idea of mentors club and may enroll
again at a later date should our needs change.

Bargains and Holiday Specials

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Do You have the right insurance?

Speaking of services everyone needs, don't forget about insurance. We often fret about fret about it but most of us need more. Whether it's for home,auto,life,health or property you may not have enough or be paying too much for what you do have. Do yourself a favor and give yourself an insurance checkover for the new year. You just might be surprised. Use the form below to compare yours.

Choose Your Free Quotes

Ledon.com- Making a difference

Friday, November 02, 2007

What is the one product or service that everyone needs?

What is the one product or service that everyone needs?

The one product that will truly sell and earn you a very nice commission check each and every month? The one product or service that will be around forever? The one product that every internet marketer needs? There is really only one product or service that meets that criteria!! Do you want to know what that is? ADVERTISING!!!! That is what we have!!!! And we will have the best of that!!!

Our program will contain major advertisers with alexa ratings of 6000!! Plus all the big safelists!! Links to your website!! Banner ads! Traffic exchanges that are listed number one on Google! All the good traffic generating scripts! And so much more. All of these at less than 1/10th of what you would pay if purchased separately! This is the slam dunk program for advertising on the internet!!

Send your advertisements to qualified double optin buyers for less than 1/10th of what you are paying now plus earn a hefty commission and bonuses too!! Every one needs advertising - every one needs to make money - and we have the best of both worlds!! Click on my link below to get further information, but hurry as everyone is joining this program!!

Ledon.com- http://ledon.com- find what you need.