Thursday, June 26, 2008

Kicking Myself

Earlier this month I allowed myself to give in to all the
"cheerleading" about a popular revenue program.
I had vowed a couple of years ago to never again venture
into the realm of paid to surf no matter how great
they dressed it up. Well, I did, and I have no one
to blame but myself for what has or hasn't transpired.

This month I had some extra alertpay funds so I decided "what the heck." I jumped into ASD, a program similar to 12daly pro in nature but designed to be more sound and legal. I didn't upgrade at first but decided to on the 12th after reading about the success others were having with the rebate program. The transaction was supposed to showup immediately but never did. The next day I filed a support request which to date(25th of June)has not been opened.

Usually I would bash such a program that can't even open a support ticket within 13 days. However, I can only surmise that perhaps they are too busy for customer support. Maybe it has a problem with the alertpay interface or maybe I should have sent my money by direct mail. Whatever the case, rather than bash it for the many who seem to be doing very well with it, I'll hold my tongue for now. Perhaps it is just the lingering wounds of 12daily pro that fuel my doubts about this. At any rate, I'd hate to be unfair to any seemingly legitimate program just because of problems with a payment processor. Nevertheless, decide for yourself whether ASD is for you or not.

When you see the blue light-It's TOO LATE. GET Help Now

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Saving money in this economy

Is saving the same thing as earning? I tend to believe so.
Any money you can keep in your pockets nowadays can
be extra cash for things like gas and groceries.

Since last year I have been using a discount
membership card to save on our household costs.
It's come in handy on many occasions and we've
saved on everything from McDonald's and groceries
to automotive tires and toilet paper. It has been
well worth the cost of a membership and rarely
does it not pay for itself many times over when
we use it.

There is an old adage that says make your money
work for you and you'll have to work less for it.
A discount membership card is just one way I have found
to do just that. There are many programs out
there but this is the card I use.
My Discount Membership card

Until next time,

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Web upgrade program a SCAM?

Figured i better pass tis along before too many people get sucked into it.

Read below:

Just got the below from my upline. Turns out that the “switch to Web 2.0” programme is a scam. I myself wondered how one could change all websites on the ‘net by the click of one button. I don’t think it is technically feasible, but.. I thought it was no harm, as they open on July 1st. Well, I’ve had many folks join. And read the below and decide for yourself.

“Hello Gang,

Just a quick heads up and an apology to anyone who joined the following program under me. It has come to my attention that a program I heavily promoted is looking like it is a scam. The program is cashblasterpro and promises to upgrade the entire internet to web 2.0 at the click of a button. I should probably have known better and apologise to all who joined this program under me. If you have joined under me please do not upgrade your accounts or recruit anymore members and please pass this message that was posted in the mmg forum to all your friends and acquaintences to warn them about it. The message is below and the research was remarkably simple to duplicate. It offers compelling evidence that this program is a scam.

Again I apologise to anyone who joined this program under me and urge you not to give any of your money to these scumbag scammers. Luckily we caught this one early and if we spread the word fast we can ensure that nobody gets hurt. Please forward this message to everyone you know or post it to any of the forums or message boards you might use to stop others from being scammed by this scam artist.

I try my best to only bring profitable and honest programs to you but everyone makes mistakes sometimes, this was my mistake and I am only glad that it is not too late to fix it.

Thank You All
God Bless