Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Host change

Finally gave up on the previous host. I guess the tech guys had better things to do than restore my sites. I purchased new hosting and will attempt to rebuild the index page from an old template I managed to find. Note to self: back up entire site at least once, idiot.


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Site Problems

Ledonbiz.com has been down for several days now. The old host switched our account to a new a host and for some reason the migration did not resolve. We have been waiting patiently for the new host to retrieve our site data. If it does not happen soon we will take other measures to rebuild the site.


Wednesday, August 06, 2008

ASD offices raided by FEDS, resources seized

Here's a link to a Tallahassee news post about ASD being raided by Feds.
US Attorney in DC calls ASD a ponzi scheme

Would you believe my horoscope predicted it? Talk about bad luck.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

ASD, Shut down by feds

Another one bites the dust! Can't say I was caught by surprise but I did think it might make it into 2009. Many of you have read by now that ASD had it's assets frozen by the federal government. And of course this will start the usual slew of blame and lawsuits from those who lost money.

I was one who didn't want to play at first but finally let curiosity get the best of me. I know, swore of such programs since getting burned with 12 daily pro. Fortunately, this time was a little different. My sponsor paid me into ASD and I am only out of pocket 20 dollars from alert pay.

Bottom line on this one is that many of us let our greed get the best of us. Companies like ASD never last but do provide a mesure of fun for those who like to take a risk. As I always advise ... do your own due diligence and NEVER "RISK MORE THAN YOU CAN AFFORD TO LOSE.

Unfortunately, this time I didn't follow my own advice.

Take care,