Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Host change

Finally gave up on the previous host. I guess the tech guys had better things to do than restore my sites. I purchased new hosting and will attempt to rebuild the index page from an old template I managed to find. Note to self: back up entire site at least once, idiot.


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Site Problems

Ledonbiz.com has been down for several days now. The old host switched our account to a new a host and for some reason the migration did not resolve. We have been waiting patiently for the new host to retrieve our site data. If it does not happen soon we will take other measures to rebuild the site.


Wednesday, August 06, 2008

ASD offices raided by FEDS, resources seized

Here's a link to a Tallahassee news post about ASD being raided by Feds.
US Attorney in DC calls ASD a ponzi scheme

Would you believe my horoscope predicted it? Talk about bad luck.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

ASD, Shut down by feds

Another one bites the dust! Can't say I was caught by surprise but I did think it might make it into 2009. Many of you have read by now that ASD had it's assets frozen by the federal government. And of course this will start the usual slew of blame and lawsuits from those who lost money.

I was one who didn't want to play at first but finally let curiosity get the best of me. I know, swore of such programs since getting burned with 12 daily pro. Fortunately, this time was a little different. My sponsor paid me into ASD and I am only out of pocket 20 dollars from alert pay.

Bottom line on this one is that many of us let our greed get the best of us. Companies like ASD never last but do provide a mesure of fun for those who like to take a risk. As I always advise ... do your own due diligence and NEVER "RISK MORE THAN YOU CAN AFFORD TO LOSE.

Unfortunately, this time I didn't follow my own advice.

Take care,

Saturday, July 12, 2008

ASD: The True Story

Sometimes bad experiences in a program come from problems that have more to do with outside sources than with the company itself. My recent foray into ASD was a perfect example.

My initial frustrations stemmed from the inability to get my ad packages purchases made with Alertpay credited to my account . The slow response to my support tickets only helped fuel my discontent and their replies ticked me off even more.

To make a long story short rather than go off and start posting negative rants in various forums, I chose to contact my sponsor who actually funded my account with a large ad package purchase. Not only am I happy at earning some good advertising rebates everyday but the fact that my sponsor would pay me forward left a lasting impression on me.

As always do your due diligence. I am of a mind that nothing comes without risk. I wouldn't go out and spend my life savings on this. Don't risk the whole farm but perhaps a few chickens you might not miss.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Kicking Myself

Earlier this month I allowed myself to give in to all the
"cheerleading" about a popular revenue program.
I had vowed a couple of years ago to never again venture
into the realm of paid to surf no matter how great
they dressed it up. Well, I did, and I have no one
to blame but myself for what has or hasn't transpired.

This month I had some extra alertpay funds so I decided "what the heck." I jumped into ASD, a program similar to 12daly pro in nature but designed to be more sound and legal. I didn't upgrade at first but decided to on the 12th after reading about the success others were having with the rebate program. The transaction was supposed to showup immediately but never did. The next day I filed a support request which to date(25th of June)has not been opened.

Usually I would bash such a program that can't even open a support ticket within 13 days. However, I can only surmise that perhaps they are too busy for customer support. Maybe it has a problem with the alertpay interface or maybe I should have sent my money by direct mail. Whatever the case, rather than bash it for the many who seem to be doing very well with it, I'll hold my tongue for now. Perhaps it is just the lingering wounds of 12daily pro that fuel my doubts about this. At any rate, I'd hate to be unfair to any seemingly legitimate program just because of problems with a payment processor. Nevertheless, decide for yourself whether ASD is for you or not.

When you see the blue light-It's TOO LATE. GET Help Now

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Saving money in this economy

Is saving the same thing as earning? I tend to believe so.
Any money you can keep in your pockets nowadays can
be extra cash for things like gas and groceries.

Since last year I have been using a discount
membership card to save on our household costs.
It's come in handy on many occasions and we've
saved on everything from McDonald's and groceries
to automotive tires and toilet paper. It has been
well worth the cost of a membership and rarely
does it not pay for itself many times over when
we use it.

There is an old adage that says make your money
work for you and you'll have to work less for it.
A discount membership card is just one way I have found
to do just that. There are many programs out
there but this is the card I use.
My Discount Membership card

Until next time,

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Web upgrade program a SCAM?

Figured i better pass tis along before too many people get sucked into it.

Read below:

Just got the below from my upline. Turns out that the “switch to Web 2.0” programme is a scam. I myself wondered how one could change all websites on the ‘net by the click of one button. I don’t think it is technically feasible, but.. I thought it was no harm, as they open on July 1st. Well, I’ve had many folks join. And read the below and decide for yourself.

“Hello Gang,

Just a quick heads up and an apology to anyone who joined the following program under me. It has come to my attention that a program I heavily promoted is looking like it is a scam. The program is cashblasterpro and promises to upgrade the entire internet to web 2.0 at the click of a button. I should probably have known better and apologise to all who joined this program under me. If you have joined under me please do not upgrade your accounts or recruit anymore members and please pass this message that was posted in the mmg forum to all your friends and acquaintences to warn them about it. The message is below and the research was remarkably simple to duplicate. It offers compelling evidence that this program is a scam.

Again I apologise to anyone who joined this program under me and urge you not to give any of your money to these scumbag scammers. Luckily we caught this one early and if we spread the word fast we can ensure that nobody gets hurt. Please forward this message to everyone you know or post it to any of the forums or message boards you might use to stop others from being scammed by this scam artist.

I try my best to only bring profitable and honest programs to you but everyone makes mistakes sometimes, this was my mistake and I am only glad that it is not too late to fix it.

Thank You All
God Bless

Friday, May 23, 2008

Becoming Web 2.0 compliant

There has been a lot of talk about the future and Web 2.0. I found this the other day and believe there will be a future market for such services.

There is this new FULL INTERNET UPGRADE technology that is about to upgrade THE ENTIRE INTERNET to Web 2.0 standards and IT'S FREE! FULL Social Networking functionality on EVERY WEBSITE on the internet with a click of a button.

This is going to change the entire Internet OVERNIGHT.

Plus, they are giving away ONE MILLION DOLLARS to spread the word about it - and you can get a share for helping - NO COST!

Check it out at:
Web2.0 Upgrade Information Site


Saturday, April 26, 2008

Currency Company wins appeal

I found this while surfing. May be of interest to those of you who use e-currency.

“e-gold Wins Appeal in D.C. Circuit for Hearing on Asset Seizure
Sunday April 20, 8:38 pm ET

MELBOURNE, Fla., April 20 /PRNewswire/ -- e-gold Ltd is pleased to announce a favorable ruling from The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in the matter of whether it, Gold & Silver Reserve, Inc., and Directors of both corporations are entitled to a hearing in the Federal district court regarding whether there was sufficient probable cause to justify seizures of assets from the corporations in December 2005 and April 2007.

Link: http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/080420/neus003.html?.v=1

Ledonbiz.com - the right place to learn how to market.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ebay Says No To Digital

Ebay is now banning ebooks and all kinds of digitally delivered products, like videos, audios, websites, domains and anything else that is delivered electronically.

Read the story here

Those who want to continue to sell their digital products will have to do so using the ebay classifieds. Many had used their sale of ebooks on ebay to build large contact lists. Looks like it will cost a bit more to employ that tactic from now on.

Any thoughts on what doors this closure may open?

Avoid costly traffic tickets.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Is Ameriplan right for you?

If you're like most people, you've been subjected to a lot of "pie-in-the-sky" business opportunities, all promising to make you rich overnight. Not so with Ameriplan®. The Ameriplan® home based business opportunity is one that is dedicated to good, decent, hard-working Americans who are searching for a "legitimate" home-based business not some fly by night scam that ends up depriving them of their hard earned money.

It is easy to find a scam on the internet. Just look for the one's promising you everything without any work on your part. Instead, Ameriplan® is a legitimate work at home business opportunity that allows you to take control of your schedule and your life! Is it work? Yes. Is it hard work? No. You don't have to make any tough sacrifices or any difficult compromises between earning a living and other areas of your life. Instead, you can make your own schedule, and give your life the time and energy it deserves.

With the Ameriplan® work at home business opportunity,you are giving yourself the gift of time. You are your OWN boss! No messy commutes or pointless meetings. You get to decide when and how much to work because YOU are your own boss!.

The Ameriplan® home based business opportunity also a sense of pride. Not only are you the BOSS but you also are helping the community by providing services that 70% of the population needs. With health care costs skyrocketing more than the price of gas Americans are looking for any way possible to save money on their medical bills. Ameriplan® gives them a legitimate way to do just that.

For more details on the Ameriplan® business opportunity visit here.

Note: Take advantage of the Leap Forward In February special where New IBO's can sign up for only $25. Use it to join and to help achieve your first pin level , RSD (regional sales director)

Ledonbiz-the right place to start.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Special $25 Deal For February

AmeriPlan® has been a stable company in our online portfolio. They are running a GIGANTIC promotion that is making February a BLOCKBUSTER month. This promotion begins on February 1, 2008 and ends February 29th, 2008 at 5:00 p.m. Central Time. It is a excellent opportunity to try a new business and see if it is right for you without paying full price.

Normally, it's $95 to get started with AmeriPlan® but for the month of February, it is only $25!

Imagine that. You can now own your OWN home-based business! Be your OWN boss and CEO of your OWN company. Not only can you make money for yourself but you'll also be making a difference in the lives of others who need to save as healthcare costs continue to skyrocket.


A little about AmeriPlan®:

As a new Independent Business Owner signing up during the February promotion, you will receive the Dental Plus plan for your entire family. You will also receive 5 professionally designed websites, a computerized back office, full training and staff support, and a broker's kit containing brochures, DVDs, and application forms to help you make those sales.

AmeriPlan® has been in business for 16 years and is a member in good standing of the Consumer Health Alliance, the National Association of Dental Plans, Dun & Bradstreet, the Direct Selling Association, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Well-known companies such as Lenscrafters, Pearle Vision, J C Penney, CVS, Walgreens, and Rite-Aid are vision and prescription providers for AmeriPlan®.

As an AmeriPlan® Independent Business Owner, you will have the opportunity to:

* Daily & Residual Pay
* Earn significant immediate income
* Earn a six-figure residual income in 2 to 4 years
* Qualify for a lifetime, vested, willable, and sellable contract
* Family Benefits starting with Day 1

What do I mean by Daily and Residual pay?

With AmeriPlan®, you have the opportunity to earn true residual income. In other words, you can keep getting paid on work that you did months or even years ago. Because their plans are so affordable and save people significant money on medical and dental care, members tend to keep plans for years. Each time one of your medical or dental plan members makes a payment to AmeriPlan®, you will receive commission


NOTE: The sooner you join then the more time you will have to take advantage of this special promotion to build your business. So don't wait.

Can you trust Ameriplan?. 60minutes did a big profile on it a while back.
To view it go here: http://www.ameriplanusa.com/video/AMR300K.asx

Now If you are ready to MAKE SOME DAILY MONEY. Get the FEBRUARY SPECIAL NOW! Click Here


LedonBiz- The RIGHT place to start your business search.

Friday, January 18, 2008

The End Of Our Gibline Test

The power of social networking as a marketing tool is an established fact.
"Gibline" touted itself as combining everything into one package...business opportunity,networking,blogging,etc. Although it seems like a good idea we have
decided not to renew our subscription to Gibline.

Here's our details:
1 $50 dollar position with no referrals. $19.40 in earnings.

Granted we were not in during the first week of prelaunch. We got in
a few weeks later but still early. Either way we can't justify
spending $200 a year for the service.

Our synopsis. Like everything "timing" and a PRO position may have
made a difference. However, there just seems to be way too
much competition out there from other free social networking programs.
MySpace would not be as big if it charged so we see a limited
future for Gibline in it's present form.

Signup for loads of marketing tips at http://ledonbiz.com

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Search Engine That's Fun

This was given to me and turns out I like it. It's a fun new search again that actually gives you a chance to win prizes when you search with them.

Check it out for yourself at " Blingo Search Engine

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