Friday, May 29, 2009

People String Update

As many of you know I took a chance and joined PeopleString because I felt it had future potential as a moneymaker. It also doesn't cost anything so there was no risk on anyone's part to be a free member. I continue to be impressed by the program. SFI/Triple Clicks is now my main program but this does not distract me from it as it literally builds itself as more people learn about it. Below is a recent update from a the weekly webinar (from my upline). If you are interested in joining PeopleString just click the highlighted links in this message or the EZ $500 banner in the sidebar.

Mr. 'Great Vision' and CEO of BigString, Darin Myman was on the call along with Bruce. He went on to update us.

The first thing Bruce and Myman wanted to let us know is to NOT make this more complicated than what it is. He says, JUST SHARE THE PEOPLE STRING STORY.!

They are currently working on deals to turn on the spigot for CashBox/MailBox to bring in advertising revenues for us - F.r.e.e. and Entrepreneur members. There are payments/ profit sharing being sent out NOW, from the other modules!

They are testing creatives (advertising look and feel and content) with large marketing corporations.

Tomorrow they will begin developing (coding) the self-replication portal page that each of us will own. The design has been completed but the engine will be dropped in any day now. So keep your eyes wide open! We will be able to login to all major social networks and email providers (MySpace, FaceBook, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, etc) from our portal page. We will be able to add our 'quicklinks' and 'favorites' as well.

The BETA Portal will be available by end of next week. Well thus far they have been ahead of schedule with their promises so we will stay logged in all day as we have in the past week. We are excited about what is to come as it is sure better than what has been!

Darin also went on to announce that they are adding 250 more stores in Cash Back Shopping and you will see them on a scale of 10-20/day.

They will add online games to the portal. But don't be shy. Contact them at with all of your great ideas ... big and small. The PeopleString team is very open to new ideas from splash pages, new features, modification of what is available today, or whatever you can come up with which adds to the PeopleString portal experience.

Phase I of the portal will have the standard look and feel for all of us. But they will implement a customization module where you can change your portal to be more in line with your own unique personality. They will also have merchandise such as PeopleString hats and shirts.

PeopleString is now starting to get transactions with coupon merchants and due to everyone's awesome efforts in bringing in so many stringers, better deals are being presented every day.

Remember, we get 70% of the revenues even as F.r.e.e. Members.

So how is that for a no-brainer?

People Points - HUH?

Remember to log in every 30 days if you want to get paid. The more you use the backoffice, the more 'People Points' you will accrue. People Points determines the split of ad revenues you will get. Didn't know that? Well now you do!

How can you get 'People Points'?

Search, send email, log-in, shop and other activities related to PeopleString as they are rolled out to us.

How many 'People Points' do you have?

Well some Entrepreneurs on the call last night have 100, 200, and even 250 PPs. We have 280 PPs because we actually use the awesome People String platform every day multiple times a day.

How does this shopping thing works and how can we get our cash back?

When you shop at any of the Cash Back Shopping merchants and your order is shipped, your order will be recorded by the merchant as belonging to People String. They will then batch all PeopleString members' purchases and send a report to People String. People String will reconcile this report with their in-house database. Then you will see your cash back displayed under transactions in your backoffice / portal!

How does the MailBox/CashBox revenue generator works?

When you sign up as a member, the first thing that you should do is click on 'MailBox CashBox' to take your first survey. If you don't do it, you will be missing out on some cash.

Take that brief survey.

After the survey is complete, PeopleString will wait until they get a batch of surveys and then send out bulkmail to each of us via Postal Mail. The card you receive in the mail will contain a special unique code for you.

Log back into your portal / backoffice and enter that unique code where prompted. This is how you complete your postal address confirmation process.

PeopleString has deals with Direct Marketers. These DMs will make payments to PeopleString to bring in the revenue which we will share in.

How is money made / tracked for MailBox CashBox?

We will receive 1-2 pieces of mail each day or so. There will be many types of mailings...

1. Direct Cards (pay to receive 20 - 50 cents just for receiving the cards), some cards will have codes which you have to enter through your PeopleString portal - backoffices and some with website addresses which you must click thru to receive cash.

2. Co-Op Mailings. These are those mailings you see with multiple merchants advertising offers on them. $2.50 - $3.00 . They too have codes you must enter.

3. Valu-Paks - surely you have seen these. They consist of 1 envelope with 25-30 offers stuffed in them. We get more cash for these.

There will be great travel, products, and services sent to us regularly. You get them anyway so now get paid for them.

BigString / PeopleString emphasized that they are not doing anything new in this regards. Nothing for sale ... nothing really new to pay for.

The GOLD in their business model is that they are 'Disrupting' a cash flow that is going somewhere it doesn't belong. Yahoo, Google, MySpace, FaceBook, MSN and others are marketing AT us. PeopleString is marketing WITH us. When was the last time, MySpace, or any other social network sent you some c.a.s.h. in the mail? We thought so. wink.gif

PeopleString is creating an aggregation of people on the internet to show advertisers that the eyeballs are had with PeopleString. The more ad revenue for PeopleString, the more for us ... its members.

Bruce said, there are 4 components to success here:

1. HUGE Opportunity -- Will be B I G
2. Gotta Be Easy to Follow or Do. It can't be yet another job for us.
3. From a global economics standpoint, "Kill The Middleman"
4. F.R.E.E. F.R.E.E. F.R.E.E.

Now as we know MailBox CashBox will not be available in every region of the world. But the good news is that PeopleString will monetize in almost every country. If not by Postal Mail, then by emails, the portal, banner ads shopping, and other advertising models. It is truly not cost-effective to bulkmail to China, for example, on a regular basis. And Postal Mail will not work in Nigeria, for example, since the current infrastructure makes is next to impossible to 'monetize or empower'.

BigString is rolling out and translating their product offerings already. We believe they said Portuguese, Traditional/Simplified Chinese, and German at least.

WOW! Alexa Rating is already at 17,000 !!!!!!!

About Darin Mymarn:
Darin M. Myman- President and Chief Executive Officer Darin M. Myman is a co-founder of BigString and has served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of BigString since its inception on October 8, 2003. He also has served as a member of BigString's board of directors since BigString's inception. From November 2001 until October 2003, Mr. Myman was a self-employed Internet marketing and business consultant and, from March 2001 until November 2001, he served as Executive Vice President of Prior to his employment by, Mr. Myman was a co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of, the first online insurance brokerage agency, from March 1999 until December 2000. Prior to co-founding, he served as a Vice President of the online brokerage services unit of Westminster Securities Corporation from January 1995 until March 1999.

Hope this helps give you a little glimpse into PeopleString :)!


PeopleString- Get paid to do what you already do everyday

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