Sunday, December 03, 2006

December Brings Promise

As the year ends I am always optimistic of my fortunes come the new year. As each year ends I wonder just what could I have done different to have made it more profitable. In the past I have kicked myself for missing out on the various "opportunities of a life time" that come across my desk. Most are not worth the effort it takes to delete them but always appears to be one or two that I should have joined rather than being too skeptical. Although I am one who has learned to keep his wallet closed I do realize that sometimes you have to spend money to earn money.

Unless of course you can find opportunities that let you earn without spending.

Turns out two such opportunities came across my desk this week and I joined them both. Each has merit as potential money makers and being in early is a plus.

The first is Agloco and it will be a monster if it is anything like the program it is based on, AllAdvantage. If you don't remember that name it was the first of the browser portals several years that paid people to run it while they were online. A lot of people earned huge checks with AllAdvantage and I for one am glad to see someone bring the concept back. Agloco should make a lot of happy in the same way.

The second is also a retread of sorts in my mind. BestCashRewards is just a few weeks old but people have started to hear about it and join. It sort of reminds me of the old Iconference where you could set up a conference room and people could visit your room and see what you had to offer or just chat, etc. BestCashRewards differs in that Marketers(seminar givers) will pay to use conference rooms and seminar viewers(prospects) will be compensated for attending the seminar given by the marketer. Very interesting concept for the internet. Seems to work offline as several industries already use a similar concept. I know more than a few who have purchased time shares that way.

As usual do your due diligence but since you aren't risking anything both of these programs could be great additions to your portfolio for the new year.

Until Next Time
If all you get for Christmas is a speeding ticket you need to check this out:
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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Great advertising resource for you

I found this the other day and think that it will be a great advertising resource. Has a ton of stuff in the back office. Stuff that others normally pay for but is included free with membership. 2000 quality traffic visits is worth the price of membership by itself in my humble opinion. Try it now while the price is low and then if it is not to your liking you can always drop it like a hot rock.


2TillProfit is an Affordable Advertising Program That Combines a Great Payment Plan With Some Outstanding Advertising Services That Will Allow You To Make Money Multiple Ways.
You get an all inclusive service including the Auto-Market™ System for only $9.90/month!

Please note: The price of 2TillProfit will increase on October 23, 2006 to $29.97/month. You have until October 13, 2006 to lock-in your $9.90/month rate. On October 13, we will stop accepting new clients until we launch the new site on October 23 at the $29.97 rate.

Everyone who joins before October 13 will be locked in at the $9.90/month rate for as long as you stay.
Get Started Now

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Be Prepared To Earn

I often wonder how I got by so long without it. I can now finally say that I am in the high speed legion. I once thought I can do without and was willing to wait for DSL in my area. Unfortunately, the phone company said that wasn't going to happen anytime soon and my dailup became so slow (26k) that I spent far too much time waiting for page loads. Valueable time that one can not afford to waste.

That brings me to my point for today- always put yourself in the best position to earn. My online efforts had become so stagnant that my profits were suffering. Just imagine the amount of time it took me to do even trivial tasks at 26k. Time that could have been better spent working on ways to promote, etc.

If your supposed 56k connection has degraded to 26k as mine had, do yourself a favor- upgrade. I used Cognigen to find what was available in my area. Not only did I see all my available options but it turns out I was even able to help the installer find satellite internet for himself. I found that odd but apparently he lived in an area that cable internet wasn't available yet.

Until next time


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Saturday, July 15, 2006

Urgent! Phishing Site

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to pass this on from David. Looks like the crooks and scammers recognize that 12by12daily will be a real cash cow. Be sure to login from only from a valid site: My url is

URGENT! Phishing Site.
Hi everybody,
It seems a little success brings out all the scammers and thieves. There is a phishing 12by12daily site at Whatever you do, DO NOT LOGIN FROM THAT URL. They will steal your login details at 12by12daily, and access your account.


Always be on your guard for info stealers.



Recycle your tired household receipts and get paid for them.

Friday, July 14, 2006

DadnDave scores again!!

In the past I highly recommended autosurfs as a way to make some easy cash. Until the stormpay/12dp debacle I was in several myself and starting to earn regular payments. After 12dp was closed and stormpay froze accounts many owners used that as an excuse to shut down their own sites and "abscond" with their members funds. This left us all peaved, frustrated and short on cash.

Throughout that whole mess there were a few owners who struggled to do the right thing even at their own financial peril. One of those owners was Dave of DadnDaves. I for one greatly appreciated his efforts especially when he used his won funds to keep his site afloat through the rough waters following the stormpay mess. He truly inspired my faith in him and his business practices.

Dave is launching a new site, one based on the 12dp model and sure to be well run.
12by12daily should be the cream of the crop as Dave knows how to run a site and will definetly not repeat the mistakes that lead to the shutdown of 12dp. If you are still using autosurfs to make money then 12by12daily should be at the top of your referral list.

Help make a better world. Click here.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Success Without Referrals

I am often annoyed when I see such claims but I am equally amazed in that rare case when it turns out to be true. The new Receipts Rebate program from Better Universe is one of those rare cases.

I have been a Better Universe member from the start and have seen it weather the start up process to blossom into a first rate company. It is a tribute to what happens when the CEO of company conducts his business with integrity and sticks by his founding principles. I have always admired Steve Gresham for that. His latest addition to all the benefits that Better Universe offers is brilliant. You can now make money from your own household receipts up to $400 per month without the need to sponsor anyone.

Now mind you there is some work on your part. (remember nothing on the internet is "work free"). There are some forms to download and the time to set things up will be somewhat lengthy the first month. After that it is smooth sailing from then on. The program is well worth the $29.95 one time fee to join. Of course if you join Better Universe as an Intro member ( $19.95 per month) that fee is waived and you can participate in the Receipts program for free as part of your monthly membership. I highly recommend joining as a member because you get a lot of other benefits besides the receipts program.

So for those of you who fail because you can't recruit, here is tha chance to make a monthly income from your own efforts from stuff you have already bought. What a wonderful way to "recycle" your receipts.

Until next time,


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Spring Cleaning

I hope everyone had a great Easter holiday. I've been doing a little "spring cleaning" over at Ledon.Com. Sort of a new look or rather improved look. I will be adding more content in the future oriented towards those who need "direction" on getting started online.


Help others - It can be fun and profitable.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

The Plot Thickens

StormPay has wreaked havoc across the autosurf industry. There is talk of a class action suit against them because of frozen accounts. At first it seemed that StormPay was questioning the legality of the autosurf business model but now allegations have surfaced that StormPay did this because it does not have the funds to cover accounts with various autosurfs.

Whatever the case, many will suffer because of this debacle and it is just one more example as to why you should never put all eggs in one basket.

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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

New Years Resolutions

I hope everyone has had a great start to the new year. Like many, I found myself bogged down towards the end of last year. So much so that I had to take a look at everything I was doing and adjust my priorities. I found many areas where time was just being wasted without enhancing my ability to make a profit. That is why we do this after all-to make a profit. Hence then my resolution for 2006 has been to become more focused on those areas that are enhancing my ability to make a profit.

If you read the how-to books from many of the success "gurus" you will find one common concept that stands out- "writing down your goals is a critical factor to success". To put it more plainly- goals that aren't written down are just "dreams".

I urge all of you to clearly define your goals for 2006. Write them down and post them around your home and that way they will always be fresh on your mind. It's amazing how the subconscious mind works to affect the conscious world. No doubt 2006 will be a more prosperous year for all of us. I will expound upon this in future posts.
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