Tuesday, October 13, 2009

PeopleString Status update

I really like PeopleString and it has become a strong addition to our online portfolio.

At first I was very skeptical but they have taken thier time and done things right. The new social portal is a hit and keeping up with Myspace and FaceBook as far as traffic.

I haven't had to change or download anything to use the portal and I use it to access my favorite sites on the net. It has been integrated nicely with the other social networks so all I have to do is click the link and I am on Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Yahoo, Gmail or any of the other major sites I visit everyday. The only difference is that I now earn revenue when I visit them.

I also like the MailBox-Cashbox program that is another free revenue option to participate in. Nothing better than getting paid to open your junk mail. We are not talking pennies and half cents either but dollars.

So my recommendation is that you sign up for a PeopleString portal. It's free and you don't have to do anything different. You are on the net anyway so you might as well earn while you are. The social network is top notch and is still not fully completed. I can't wait for the finished product. It should blow the others away.
To get your portal click below and chose the free option. There is also
an entrepreneur option for those who want to turn it into a part time business.

Get your PeopleString portal here.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Increasing Your Traffic Daily

Here's a great article from Glen Brink, a trusted associate.

10 Things You Can Do TODAY To Increase Traffic To Your Web Site

Are you doing everything you can to increase traffic to your web site? Well, check this list of no-cost/low-cost things you can do RIGHT NOW to find out. Then get started developing your web site traffic so you can sell more products/services -- today!

1) Develop a Traffic Attitude

Most people are approaching the web passively. They put up a web site. They wait. Nothing happens. They complain. Or even, ridiculously, pull off the web, like it's the web's fault that 60 million people didn't drop by before breakfast.

If you want traffic, you've got to work for traffic. That means developing the Traffic Attitude. This attitude consists of the following parts:

. recognition that the web doesn't promote itself
. determination to master web promotion
. decision to find every conceivable means of building your traffic, and
. use them all -- every single day!!!

2) Post -- Daily

Did you post today? Yesterday? The day before? Probably not! There's a problem right there. I'm a 365-day-poster. I post every day whether I feel like it or not (and, believe me, on those cold New England mornings, I most assuredly do NOT feel like it!). Reason? Because

. you can get unlimited postings
. they're free
. you get a steady stream of prospects
. by working with these prospects properly you get a steady stream of qualified prospects and, ultimately, sales.

In other words, postings work.

The key?

. Developing client-centered benefits for your postings. Push BENEFITS, not features.
. Making sure that each heading in your posting leads with that benefit.
. Also making sure that the body of the posting further develops your main, or subsidiary benefits, while providing all the means necessary for your prospects to connect with you NOW.

Postings work because they excite prospects with the value/benefit that you have available... and provide these prospects with everything they need to know to connect with you.

On days when you don't post, you're thwarting your own traffic. Not smart.

3) List Free Classifieds -- Daily

There are so many places on the Internet to get free classifieds, it's staggering. How to find them? Easy. Go to AltaVista or Yahoo or HotBot or any of the other search engines and enter "Free classifieds." Hundreds of places will come up.

Now start reviewing them looking for the right places for what you're selling. Then list. Set yourself an objective, five a day is good. Use your scrap time. This mindless work; do it when you're not at your mental peak.

Note: free classified ads at most Internet sites expire after a certain amount of time. That's why you have to keep returning to renew your free ads. When we set up the CashQuest search engine at Worldprofit, we decided to end this silly procedure. Your 50-word classified at CashQuest is not only free... it's unlimited! No popping back every 30 days to renew, or forgetting to come back and loosing it! That's why you should post with CashQuest first. Just visit our WorldProfit page at: SharingProfitStrategies.com and become a free Associate member. Click on CashQuest and your UNLIMITED FREE ADVERTISING starts at once!

4) Take Advantage of Free Links

While you're looking for free classifieds, you're also going to find places that provide free links. What's the difference?

Classifieds and space ads provide information enabling the prospect to connect with you. Ordinarily you get to say more, but there's no point and click connection to your site. On the other hand, with a link, all you've got to do is click on the link and the prospect is immediately connected to your site.

When you add a link, you're usually allowed a few words (a dozen or less) to describe it. Think about these words carefully. What you want to post is a BENEFIT, not just a descriptive feature. In other words, what's the prospect going to get when she visits your site? The better the benefit, the more visitors you'll get!

5) Take Advantage of Paid Links

Everybody likes the free stuff, but there's something you should know. Many of the free sites get miniscule traffic, as you can see in an instant from their traffic counters (if they even dare to post one). That's why you should also use paid links.

You want to be associated with high traffic malls and web sites that do extensive on- and off-net advertising. If the company is aggressively advertising its web properties and bringing in traffic, and if they reach the kinds of people you want to reach, why, then, you need a link -- even if you have to pay for it.

When looking at such companies, ask hard questions about just how they develop their traffic. At Worldprofit, for instance, our traffic-building advertising program is second to none. We aggressively use

. full-page and other sized ads in dozens of publications
. our quarterly 100,000 circulation Sales & Marketing Success Card Deck and many other card decks
. our quarterly 155,000+ Sure-Fire Business Success Catalog
. four internationally syndicated columns reaching well over 2 million people monthly, and
. a complicated nexus of deals, understandings, and relationships with companies worldwide offering various promotional vehicles.

What's more we advise all our advertisers on how to build their traffic... and you benefit from what they do, too! It's collectively beneficial.

If you did this yourself, it would be prohibitively expensive. By comparison, paying just $199.95 a year for a Worldprofit link enables you to benefit from all this at a fraction of the cost. Be clear that any company asking you to pay for a link does as much for such a low price!

6) Add Your URL To All Marketing Communications

It staggers me how many opportunities for web promotion pass every single day without being utilized. Look at your

. business cards
. card deck cards
. space ads
. yellow pages ads
. brochures
. flyers
. the envelopes you mail in, etc.

Have you got your URL on them... or are you literally throwing away promotional opportunities every time you think you're "marketing"? If you want traffic, make sure everything you use promotes your URL.

7) Don't Just Promote Your URL... Also Promote The Chief Benefit Of Visiting Your Web Site

The next time you have a chance, utter your URL to a prospect and see what happens. I already know. You'll get a quizzical look, maybe worse. Why? Because URLs per se aren't motivating. That's why if you're smart you'll not only put your URL on all your marketing communications but will also insist on presenting the chief benefit of visiting your site, too.

You see, on every single marketing communication you use -- I don't care whether it's a tee-shirt or a four-color brochure -- you need to present the most important client-centered benefit of your site... as well as the means of accessing it, the URL.

Thus, include chief benefits like this,

. Lose 30 pounds in 30 days!
. Make $100,000+ in commodities this year!
. Reduce your travel costs everywhere you go!
. Benefit from over 1/4 MILLION visitors a month!

Get the drift? Lead with benefits... follow with features (the URL address). Both are essential to traffic building.

8) Develop A Response Template

Are you annoyed by unsolicited e-mail? I was, too, until I got smart about it. I figured these people were just a new kind of prospect. Thus, I developed a series of response templates in which I made the benefits of what I was selling very plain. Such a response template should include

. an offer
. benefits of what you're selling
. product/service descriptions
. client-centered testimonials
. complete purchase information, and, of course
. complete information about your web site!

In other words, a response template is the best kind of client-centered marketing communication.

9) Send The Response Template To Every Unsolicited E-Mail You Receive

When you wake up in the morning, go through all the unsolicited e-mail you get and instead of just trashing it, send your response template. Just by clicking a button you'll be getting YOUR information into the hands of new prospects. Sure some of it is going to bounce back to you right away because you may be answering an auto-responder. Not to worry. Marketing is and always will be a numbers game.

If you've got something the prospect wants, something that's rich with benefits and offers real value, then that prospect is going to respond... no matter how you heard about him (or how he connected with you) in the first place. This method is more socially responsible than sending the kind of response hate mail that so many people unaccountably find acceptable. And, yes, you will increase your site traffic and make sales -- so long as you promote the value of your site and the substance of your offerings in every response template you create.

10) Don't Slack Off

It's easy to be lazy. Sloth is seductive. But when you stop building traffic, you start cutting the value of your Web site. That's not my way... and it shouldn't be yours. Building traffic on the Internet is an exciting, high energy game. With very valuable pay-offs. Which get bigger every day.

A recent interview on "Adam Smith" on the Public Broadcasting Network with senior Microsoft officials show-cased the Chief Technologist of Gates' galloping giant predicting that within 5 years (at the most~!) traffic on the Internet would be 100 TIMES what it is today! Indeed, he went further, to say that the growth of the Internet was being "undervalued" by industry experts.

What does this mean? A traffic, and by extension, a sales bonanza for you... if, and only if, you'll do what's necessary to make sure that a growing percentage of this burgeoning traffic gets to you and your web site.

In other words, get crackin'. And keep this report prominently displayed so you'll remind yourself of all that you can do... and all the benefits that result when you do it!

Glen Brink (CEO)
Affiliate sales leader for WorldProfit.com

Tony Tezak has just launched his new traffic exchange and it is "smoking"
Who is Tony Tezak? Visit Tezak Traffic Power and find out.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Losing Amazon

We received a shock today when we checked our Amazon account. Amazon is now closed to affiliates from North Carolina because of new tax laws about to be passed by our legislature.

We would like to continue to earn something for our referrals to Amazon. Effective immediately we will link to them through AllSolutions Network. This will NOT impose an extra step in getting to Amazon through our sites so please continue to support us. We appreciate your business.

Thank you,

Get quality medical care benefits for less. Click Here

Friday, May 29, 2009

People String Update

As many of you know I took a chance and joined PeopleString because I felt it had future potential as a moneymaker. It also doesn't cost anything so there was no risk on anyone's part to be a free member. I continue to be impressed by the program. SFI/Triple Clicks is now my main program but this does not distract me from it as it literally builds itself as more people learn about it. Below is a recent update from a the weekly webinar (from my upline). If you are interested in joining PeopleString just click the highlighted links in this message or the EZ $500 banner in the sidebar.

Mr. 'Great Vision' and CEO of BigString, Darin Myman was on the call along with Bruce. He went on to update us.

The first thing Bruce and Myman wanted to let us know is to NOT make this more complicated than what it is. He says, JUST SHARE THE PEOPLE STRING STORY.!

They are currently working on deals to turn on the spigot for CashBox/MailBox to bring in advertising revenues for us - F.r.e.e. and Entrepreneur members. There are payments/ profit sharing being sent out NOW, from the other modules!

They are testing creatives (advertising look and feel and content) with large marketing corporations.

Tomorrow they will begin developing (coding) the self-replication portal page that each of us will own. The design has been completed but the engine will be dropped in any day now. So keep your eyes wide open! We will be able to login to all major social networks and email providers (MySpace, FaceBook, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, etc) from our portal page. We will be able to add our 'quicklinks' and 'favorites' as well.

The BETA Portal will be available by end of next week. Well thus far they have been ahead of schedule with their promises so we will stay logged in all day as we have in the past week. We are excited about what is to come as it is sure better than what has been!

Darin also went on to announce that they are adding 250 more stores in Cash Back Shopping and you will see them on a scale of 10-20/day.

They will add online games to the portal. But don't be shy. Contact them at support@peoplestring.com with all of your great ideas ... big and small. The PeopleString team is very open to new ideas from splash pages, new features, modification of what is available today, or whatever you can come up with which adds to the PeopleString portal experience.

Phase I of the portal will have the standard look and feel for all of us. But they will implement a customization module where you can change your portal to be more in line with your own unique personality. They will also have merchandise such as PeopleString hats and shirts.

PeopleString is now starting to get transactions with coupon merchants and due to everyone's awesome efforts in bringing in so many stringers, better deals are being presented every day.

Remember, we get 70% of the revenues even as F.r.e.e. Members.

So how is that for a no-brainer?

People Points - HUH?

Remember to log in every 30 days if you want to get paid. The more you use the backoffice, the more 'People Points' you will accrue. People Points determines the split of ad revenues you will get. Didn't know that? Well now you do!

How can you get 'People Points'?

Search, send email, log-in, shop and other activities related to PeopleString as they are rolled out to us.

How many 'People Points' do you have?

Well some Entrepreneurs on the call last night have 100, 200, and even 250 PPs. We have 280 PPs because we actually use the awesome People String platform every day multiple times a day.

How does this shopping thing works and how can we get our cash back?

When you shop at any of the Cash Back Shopping merchants and your order is shipped, your order will be recorded by the merchant as belonging to People String. They will then batch all PeopleString members' purchases and send a report to People String. People String will reconcile this report with their in-house database. Then you will see your cash back displayed under transactions in your backoffice / portal!

How does the MailBox/CashBox revenue generator works?

When you sign up as a member, the first thing that you should do is click on 'MailBox CashBox' to take your first survey. If you don't do it, you will be missing out on some cash.

Take that brief survey.

After the survey is complete, PeopleString will wait until they get a batch of surveys and then send out bulkmail to each of us via Postal Mail. The card you receive in the mail will contain a special unique code for you.

Log back into your portal / backoffice and enter that unique code where prompted. This is how you complete your postal address confirmation process.

PeopleString has deals with Direct Marketers. These DMs will make payments to PeopleString to bring in the revenue which we will share in.

How is money made / tracked for MailBox CashBox?

We will receive 1-2 pieces of mail each day or so. There will be many types of mailings...

1. Direct Cards (pay to receive 20 - 50 cents just for receiving the cards), some cards will have codes which you have to enter through your PeopleString portal - backoffices and some with website addresses which you must click thru to receive cash.

2. Co-Op Mailings. These are those mailings you see with multiple merchants advertising offers on them. $2.50 - $3.00 . They too have codes you must enter.

3. Valu-Paks - surely you have seen these. They consist of 1 envelope with 25-30 offers stuffed in them. We get more cash for these.

There will be great travel, products, and services sent to us regularly. You get them anyway so now get paid for them.

BigString / PeopleString emphasized that they are not doing anything new in this regards. Nothing for sale ... nothing really new to pay for.

The GOLD in their business model is that they are 'Disrupting' a cash flow that is going somewhere it doesn't belong. Yahoo, Google, MySpace, FaceBook, MSN and others are marketing AT us. PeopleString is marketing WITH us. When was the last time, MySpace, or any other social network sent you some c.a.s.h. in the mail? We thought so. wink.gif

PeopleString is creating an aggregation of people on the internet to show advertisers that the eyeballs are had with PeopleString. The more ad revenue for PeopleString, the more for us ... its members.

Bruce said, there are 4 components to success here:

1. HUGE Opportunity -- Will be B I G
2. Gotta Be Easy to Follow or Do. It can't be yet another job for us.
3. From a global economics standpoint, "Kill The Middleman"
4. F.R.E.E. F.R.E.E. F.R.E.E.

Now as we know MailBox CashBox will not be available in every region of the world. But the good news is that PeopleString will monetize in almost every country. If not by Postal Mail, then by emails, the portal, banner ads shopping, and other advertising models. It is truly not cost-effective to bulkmail to China, for example, on a regular basis. And Postal Mail will not work in Nigeria, for example, since the current infrastructure makes is next to impossible to 'monetize or empower'.

BigString is rolling out and translating their product offerings already. We believe they said Portuguese, Traditional/Simplified Chinese, and German at least.

WOW! Alexa Rating is already at 17,000 !!!!!!!

About Darin Mymarn:
Darin M. Myman- President and Chief Executive Officer Darin M. Myman is a co-founder of BigString and has served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of BigString since its inception on October 8, 2003. He also has served as a member of BigString's board of directors since BigString's inception. From November 2001 until October 2003, Mr. Myman was a self-employed Internet marketing and business consultant and, from March 2001 until November 2001, he served as Executive Vice President of InsuranceGenie.com. Prior to his employment by InsuranceGenie.com, Mr. Myman was a co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of LiveInsurance.com, the first online insurance brokerage agency, from March 1999 until December 2000. Prior to co-founding LiveInsurance.com, he served as a Vice President of the online brokerage services unit of Westminster Securities Corporation from January 1995 until March 1999.

Hope this helps give you a little glimpse into PeopleString :)!


PeopleString- Get paid to do what you already do everyday

Thursday, May 21, 2009

No Time For What?

Sometimes we have to hear it from others before it makes sense. How much time do we really waste during the day? How much more could we really get accomplished by eliminating distractions?

Here's an interesting summation from my friend Bill Carr over at Traffic Hoopla. It really makes a lot of sense.
"Time is usually wasted in the same way every day." - Unknown.

Look at your day. How do you spend it? What ruts have you gotten yourself into that you could easily break yourself out of? What poor habits are eating valuable minutes of your life every day?

What impact can a few minutes make? Take a look at this.

What if you were able to save ...

Five minutes by streamlining your morning routine (taking less time to dress, shave, put on makeup, drink coffee, read the paper, and so on)?

Ten minutes by eliminating the things you do each morning to stall starting your work?

Five minutes by avoiding idle talkers or other distractions?

Ten minutes by taking a shorter lunch or break time?

Those minutes don't seem like much. But if you did those things every day, five days a week, for fifty weeks, you could gain an additional 125 hours of time every year. (That's the equivalent of more then three forty-hour weeks to use for anything you want!) And if you're a television watcher, you can double the time you gain each year if you simply watch thirty fewer minutes of television every day.


How much time do you waste?

Take care,


Monday, May 04, 2009

SFI is now our primary business

SFI has become the primary business opportunity/affiliate program that we promote. Why? Throughout the years we wasted an enormous amount of time and money jumping from program to program. Most of those programs no longer exist. SFI is still kicking and getting better every year. We still believe in multiple streams of income but we now devote most of our team building resources to SFI.

There have been some big changes in the company this year, including the launch of SFI 3.0 and Triple Clicks. There is also going to be a big dbase purge in May to clear out inactive affiliates.

If you are an inactive SFI affliate, now would be a good time to log into your back office and get your account working:


It would also be a good time to make yourself Executive Affiliate. You can read about that here:

Becoming EA guarantees you a commission check each month.

If you are not an SFI member, or your membership has lapsed, this would be a good time to sign up and we strongly recommend you do.
Sign up for FREE! Click Here

Monday, April 20, 2009

PeopleString update

I received my address verification card today from PeopleString. Entered the code and poof, I was verified. I did notice that the zip code was wrong so I fired off an email to support to have it corrected.

So far it has been a great day. Not only did I get the much awaited verification card but also received a commission check from SFI. Yes, always glad to get those.


Don't wait to you are sick and dying. Get help with your healthcare NOW!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Getting cash with your junk mail.

Someone sent me this and I had to take a while to digest it. After I did, it made practical sense to me. I get a lot of junk postal mail so why not get paid for it.

Once again do your due diligence and check out the company. The parent company's stock symbol is BSGC. It's free to signup so not much risk. The idea is one that could take off as many companies already pay for consumer input. However, this does not appear to be one of those scam survey company sites so I feel a bit more confident about it's long term future. This appears to actually be paying you to receive information, offers, etc.

Sign up for free at People String


Ledonbiz.com -- Tools and tips for profit

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Great discount benefits

If you tired of waiting for universal healthcare but need some type of health benefits

Check out our Dental Plus plan below:

$19.95 per month covers your entire household, regardless of relationship.
No limits on visits or services

Instant savings

No age limits

No paperwork

No waiting periods

Orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry included (adults and children)

Specialists included, where available

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!

You can visit the following website for more info:
