Saturday, December 22, 2007

Perspective on Pay Per Play

I've been watching the promotion of a new PPP (pay per play) advertising program and wondering whether or not it will be a viable medium as an advertising platform. I don't just jump into things anymore so I have been doing a bit of due diligence to check things out. What I have found on PPP has not been kind. If PPP seems a bit familiar it's because a few years ago there was a company called "Voice2Page" that was touting it. Now it seems to have morphed into a new company "NetAudioAds" that is touting it as something that will replace Google Adsense.

I personally find automatic audio a bit obtrusive and many traffic exchanges will not accept sites with automatic audio. I seriously doubt that it will pose any threat at all to Google even if does manage to get off the ground. My search also indicated that a lot of former affiliates for Voice2Page have not been paid. If a company is not sincere enough to square things with former affiliates I doubt that it will last long enough to be square with the new ones.

Still, I allways advise people to do their own "due diligence". Here is an article that may help you get started.

Pay Per Play Scam Alert Bargains, Deals, and More

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Blame Yourself Sometimes

Do you ever handle things and then find out that you didn't handle them?

I recently decided to cancel an auto-responder account I wasn't using
effectively enough to warrant keeping. Following the terms of service,
I submitted a support ticket to cancel the account. Meanwhile I'm thinking
I'll get an email confirmation of account closure later. I actually forgot
about until I got a notice that my account had been charged for another 30 days.

I was livid at first for I was sure that I had canceled the account. When I logged into the still active account I discovered that the answer to my support ticket had not been a cancellation but instead instructions on how to cancel. Turns out I had to manually cancel the billing subscription for the account myself through PayPal.

You'd think they would just put that in the terms of service instead of making you go through a useless support ticket to cancel. However, I have used PayPal enough that I should know that some subscriptions have to be canceled by the buyer. In the end, I can only blame myself. Stop by and find bargains and deals for your holiday shopping.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Almost There - 2008

We started our annual clearance "cleaning" and as such
have unloaded the programs that have been unprofitable for us
in 2007. It's a good idea to look at your own portfolio
at least once a year and do the same. So often we keep things
and programs thinking they are going to produce. Let's face it,
if you have had a chicken for a year and it's not clucking by now,
it probably never will. Here's a few we got rid of:

Mentors Club-- Good concept but just not clicking for us. Or is it .com? Too much confusion over there.
On again...needs stability.

YourCashCow-- We really liked this one but the numbers just weren't there
for us. We thought it would be stiff competition for GDI
but that whole segment is declining. YourCashCow had the
better package in our opinion but still who wants to pay
for overpriced hosting anymore. Too many better deals out
there that make both opportunities less appealing.

What we kept:

NPN-- Say what you will. Three years and still going strong.This chicken
clucks every month for us since we started using NPNpower group.

MyWorld-- Not quite at the income level we want to be at but still produces
month after month.

Gibline-- his one just started in October and shows good promise so we are carrying it forward with much hope for the future. Those guys have a sound vision for the future so we hope it be a keeper next year at this time.

AmeriPlan-- Rock solid and stable for 15 years. Since healthcare costs are rising more and more people are looking for viable ways to save money and not compromise the quality of healthcare they receive.

So we look forward to the future of 2008.

Send me 1 Million Free Visitors!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Daily Rewards

Breaking News!
We've partnered with "" so visitors to can now earn daily rewards points. Be sure to click on the Igetitdaily banner at the bottom of the site to get the secret code of the day and earn reward points. Rewards can be used for merchandise listed on Igetitdaily.

Bargains, Deals, Specials and more

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Our Verdict

We decided to cancel our enrollment in Mentors Club.
Not to worry, it was purely a financial decision.
The concept is good but we don't feel the monthly
price point is conducive for the number of enrollments
necessary to maximize profits with their payplan.
Thus we can longer see trying to build a downline in it.
We liked the idea of mentors club and may enroll
again at a later date should our needs change.

Bargains and Holiday Specials

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Do You have the right insurance?

Speaking of services everyone needs, don't forget about insurance. We often fret about fret about it but most of us need more. Whether it's for home,auto,life,health or property you may not have enough or be paying too much for what you do have. Do yourself a favor and give yourself an insurance checkover for the new year. You just might be surprised. Use the form below to compare yours.

Choose Your Free Quotes

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Making a difference

Friday, November 02, 2007

What is the one product or service that everyone needs?

What is the one product or service that everyone needs?

The one product that will truly sell and earn you a very nice commission check each and every month? The one product or service that will be around forever? The one product that every internet marketer needs? There is really only one product or service that meets that criteria!! Do you want to know what that is? ADVERTISING!!!! That is what we have!!!! And we will have the best of that!!!

Our program will contain major advertisers with alexa ratings of 6000!! Plus all the big safelists!! Links to your website!! Banner ads! Traffic exchanges that are listed number one on Google! All the good traffic generating scripts! And so much more. All of these at less than 1/10th of what you would pay if purchased separately! This is the slam dunk program for advertising on the internet!!

Send your advertisements to qualified double optin buyers for less than 1/10th of what you are paying now plus earn a hefty commission and bonuses too!! Every one needs advertising - every one needs to make money - and we have the best of both worlds!! Click on my link below to get further information, but hurry as everyone is joining this program!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ find what you need.

Friday, October 19, 2007

World’s First in Mobile Payments

World’s First in Mobile Payments

Chesterfield, United Kingdom, October 12, 2007 – for immediate release

is a Mobile Payment System that enables people to use their mobile phone to make purchases without the need of a credit card or bank account. Vidicom Limited, the owners of the MobillCash Payment Gateway, today announced that from November 1, 2007, all merchants who accept MobillCash as a method of payment will earn up to 32% extra per transaction from all sales to U.K. mobile phone customers.

This significant breakthrough has been achieved following lengthy negotiations between MobillCash and Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) – the government department that is responsible for administering and collecting the taxes in the United Kingdom. HMRC has ruled that MobillCash’s unique service is a genuine “Financial Transfer Service” and as such should be treated in exactly the same way as other e-money processors and credit card companies like Visa and MasterCard.

From November 1, 2007, this new status will pay dividends to all MobillCash merchants who will enjoy payouts that will increase by anything between 20% and 32% per transaction, depending on which mobile service provider is used by the consumer.

Glyn Smith, Founder / CEO, stated, “Five years of planning and three years of programming have finally paid off. I firmly believe that MobillCash is the first and only Mobile Payment System that is exempt from sales taxes.” He went on to say, “Any on-line merchant who currently sells digital services via any ordinary PSMS or SMS billing platform, or even via the very latest WAP applications can instantly increase its profits by 32% per transaction without changing the way it does business by simply making a no cost switch to MobillCash.

Mr. Smith went on to say, “The implication of achieving the status of a financial transaction provider is extremely wide reaching. Almost by default, this will be adopted throughout the European Union in the very near future. We have worked single mindedly towards establishing MobillCash as the first and only Mobile Payment System worthy of this status – we find this very rewarding, but the real rewards will be felt by our Merchants. We are working towards making MobillCash available to one billion mobile phone subscribers by early in 2008 and to have this unique status reflected in other continents around the globe as soon as possible.”

MobillCash is simple to use for both customers and merchants. A customer makes a purchase by simply entering his mobile phone number on a web site. He’ll then receive a text message to confirm his purchase with a simple reply of “Y” for yes. Then the purchase price will be billed to him by his mobile phone carrier.

About MobillCash

is one of the fastest growing Mobile Payment Systems in the world. It is wholly owned by Vidicom, Ltd with head quarters in the U.K. and a sales office in the U.S. Additional information can be found at as well as

Press Contact:
In U.S. - Philip Tarazi, VP, Voice (707) 538-3972
In U.K. - Glyn Smith, CEO, Voice +44 8707 606 634

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Mentors Club Goes Live

I have been following this and eagerly anticipating
You can join as a member.... receive your own
personal website link & then start sharing it with
others to make money while helping raise
money for children in need.
To get started... go to the following link right now.

Of course always do your due diligence
but I thnk this one has a future.

Try Green Products which are better.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Programs of Interest

Profit Hub has now become our portal of choice to promote
SFI, Cognigen,Ultimate Rep, YourCashCow, and Traffic Swarm.
All of these programs can provide a good residual income.

We chose Profit Hub because of what it stands for. Income
centered in one place starting from a central hub. We are
starting to see some good results, several signups already.


Great deal on ad submission- $10 off from this vendor.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Finally, A simple system for making profits

Let me start my message today by sharing something
with you that should be obvious: it is FUN to earn tens
of thousands of dollars a week with an online business.
If you are doing the right things, and making a lot of
money, having FUN is virtually unavoidable.

J Paul Getty, the ultra-rich oilman, was once asked why
wealthy people worked so hard, when they clearly had more
money than they could ever use. He replied, "We don't
work for money. We work for FUN. Money is just the way
we keep score."

I get a double dose of FUN when I am able to make
money by helping another person to succeed and earn great
money online. Please help me today, by taking my message
to heart, so that you and I can have fun together, and
laugh all the way to the bank.

I've recently became part of Leisure Audio Books (LAB).
This is an opportunity like no other you have seen online.
It is NOT an MLM, but a simple system whcih will help you
to reach your financial goals with a moderate effort and
a small investment.

Now, when I say "simple system", I do not mean that the
system is lacking in amazing high tech features and software
-- because it is the most powerful system I have seen, in
THAT respect. The company provides outstanding video training,
and an extensive set of resources to get you off to a great
start, following their simple, step by step directions.

Here it is in all it's simplistic glory:

1) Join:

2) Upgrade, preferably to platinum, but ANY upgrade will
help you to earn.

3) Set up an autoresponder, following the instructions.
Personalize the letters, if you wish.

4) Set up advertising campaigns, using the banners,
splash pages, and squeeze pages provided by the company.
Just leave this on autopilot when complete, advertising
the opportunity.

5) Market Audio Books to the public, using the simple tools
and systems provided for that purpose. You will earn 25%
commission on audio book sales if you are a platinum member,
compared to the 2-4% you would earn selling the exact same
products for Amazon.

6) As a platinum member, you will ALSO earn 50% commission
on each person you sponsor who upgrades.

That's IT. Work casually, a few hours a week, and you
will gradually build up a massive income. Work a little
harder, and you will build that massive income more quickly.

Have some FUN, do not waste another minute!

I will summarize: if you want to make a massive online income,
or a small online income (with less effort), LAB is the place
to be. If you have no interest in making a living online maybe
seeing this will change change your mind. Most people I know
love books and audio.

Profit Hub- Insider secrets for multiple income streams.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Leisure Audio is working for me as I write!

I recently became a member of Leisure Audiobooks,
and I want to share my humble opinion with you today.

This is like nothing I have ever experienced before,
I was shocked to find that is totally unique, never
seen before, and I believe it to be revolutionary,
and I'll explain why.

In my past experience, you join a typical program,
they give you some cheesy promo tools, and they never
say a word to you, they just expect you to go out
and recruit as best you can on your own...

This is totally and utterly different.

First of all, the products rock, there's a huge selection
of topics on virtually any niche you can think of...
all delivered in licenced .wma or Real format, so anyone
with a computer, an iPod, or mp3 player can instantly
enjoy these fine audio books, at their leisure...

Second, you don't have to recruit, to earn nice money, you
can simply sell these real products to real people, and they
will be glad to have them to listen to...

Third, the commissions you can earn, are much higher
than normal, and I really like that.

Fourth, it's so easy to set up a website and dominate
any niche you choose, because the training is so good,
it makes it easy to get started right away.

Fifth, I don't have any of the order filling problems,
of offering a real product, Leisure Audiobooks, has it
handled, for me. Lucky me;~)

With Leisure Audiobooks, I feel at completely at ease
offering anyone hi quality hi fidelity products and
the diversity is astounding! They have over 6000 titles
meticulously sorted into 160 categories in a feature- packed store.

I had no idea know that there are at least 50,000 identifiable
niche markets that can be independently addressed in the search
engines for audio books! I do know now and I am out there selling...
and for the first time it is working!!!

Plus it's a huge relief to have the experts, Rod and Kevin
helping me succeed, I almost feel like I have a huge
"cheat" over everyone else, because I'm a part of a caring
organization, who really coach, and really train, and really
want me, and you, to succeed, no matter what the skill level.

So, I would have to sum it up like this, if you're tired of
an endless line of hype, smoke and mirrors, and you'd like
to gain traction, start making a financial difference in
your family's lifestyle, and have a legitimate, honest, real
way to make money owe it to yourself to check
out Leisure Audio Books.

Don't believe me, I'm a happy member, and of course I'm biased,
so do a check on Rod and Kevin, and I'm sure you'll find the
truth is that they are for real, and these are great products
that virtually sell themselves.

I recommend that you see for yourself - GO RIGHT NOW, and take
in the information presented on the website.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Apsense- New Social Network

Apsense New Explosive Social Network
Want to build your own social network in less then 10 minutes?

Hi Internet Marketing friends
Have you Joined Apsence?

Apsence is going to be the next
Myspace for Internet Marketers.

Apsense is the most Powerful Social
network I have ever seen.

I joined over a week ago and my network
has grown to over 700 in just one week.

You can do the same as I did with apsense.

Simply Amazing Apsense is a web 2.0 Site
for entrepreneurs kind of like Myspace
You can promote your business that’s what
Apsense is for.
Totally awesome system that is referral
based and builds 6 levels deep of contacts.

It is very easy to get folks to join
it is free and I Believe this is going
to be Bigger than Myspace.

I am growing my network of friends for the

The Future is Bright with Apsense

So Join with me in Apsense You will love
this web 2.0 site. Web 2.0 is People with
like mindedness get together and network

Check out this flash presentation

If you don’t like flash
Be apart of something here that is going to
be very very Big.

Fundraisers- need a product?
Click here

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Using Squueze Pages

All of us have used the affiliate pages provided by the
various programs we join. While that may work at first
when everyone starts doing the same thing it soon starts
to lose it's effectiveness. Why? Simple saturation.
Prospects see it so much they start to ignore it.
For instance, I have received far more signups in
MyWorldPlus from using my own little splash page
than the company affiliate page.

Which brings me to using squeeze pages. Squeeze pages
are similar to splash pages but are designed more for
list building. The object is not to get someone to buy
right away but rather to sign up or subscribe for more
info. You can then slowly introduce them to your product
or program. That is why the so called "gurus" have a leg
up on everybody. The actual "super duper looptie secret"
they are trying to sell is not the true secret to their
success. They rather have built such large lists that
even if they only get a 1% response -THEY MAKE BUNDLES.

So about what makes a squeeze page effective at getting
visitors to subscribe rather than click away. Probably
the most important is the layout of the page. Creating a
good template for your squeeze page and testing and
tweaking it can take quite a bit of time.

All of the time you spend doing that will cost you
subscribers as you work to get your squeeze page
converting properly. After all if only 2% of your
visitors sign up instead of 20% you have lost quite
a few chances to get people to return.

That is one of the big advantages of using the tested
templates offered by Instant Squueze Page Generator.
No learning curve to cost you subscribers.

Check it out below:

To your success
Satellite Radio- The future lies within.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Is saving really earning?

Many have asked me this recently. If you save $2000 a month is it the same as earning $2000 a month? To me it seems obvious.

Look at your bottom line or any bottom line from any business. At the end of the day cash in minus cash out is the profit for the day. If I took in $3000 and only spent $2000 don't I have a $1000 in profit.

That is why the MyWorld membership makes so much sense. You save and earn at the same time.
Is $19.95 a month too large a price to pay to save possibly hundreds a month depending on your shopping habits. Heck, get some donuts or a hamburger a few times a month and you've already "paid" for your membership.

It's that simple.


Friday, March 23, 2007

Is it worth it?

" Is it worth it?"
I get this a question a lot from prospects when they enquire about MyWorldPlus.
My answer is always a resounding yes. I have never been in a company where the product has had so much value. Each and every month I have saved way more than the cost of my monthly membership without doing any different shopping.

I have been in companies before where the product was useful but not everyone had a use for it.
I mean not everyone wants to drink this juice or take that vitamin. The discount card can be used by anybody to save on the stuff they were going to buy anyway. It's like those savings cards the grocery stores give you except you can use it at a lot more places.

This is starting to make a lot of sense to people judging by the constant influx of new tour takers.
I said it was a no brainer and I stick by that assessment. Save and earn at the same time. What a novel idea.

Tired of censors? Get a Sat radio today. Click Here

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Officially Launched

Well Folks, My WorldPlus has officially launched as of Thursday March 17, 2007. We are seeing more and more people join every day. I have said this all along and it still rings true:


There hasn't been something that made this much sense in ages. Let's just forget commission for a second and look at the value. Like many around the world I like a good hamburger especially from McDonalds. At today's prices we talking around $3 to $4 for just the burger. Bring the family of 4 and you are spending $20 and some change before you get out of there. Let's just say I use my discount card or coupon in this case from My World and get the "buy one- get one" free burger deal. I get 2 free burgers and reduce my cost in half saving $10 on the spot. If your family is like mine we do this about once a week. In essence I can save $10 a week , $40 a month. I don't have to change my habits or buy anything I'm not going to use. My membership only cost me $19.95 so it's already paid for itself in savings alone. How about that. Just for enjoying my burger which I was going to do anyway. I say again:


I haven't even talked about commission because many will just become members to use the discount card to save money on the things they buy. Suffice it to say if you choose to become a member/associate you can make some serious money. We'll save that for another post on another day. If the value alone doesn't convince you I doubt the pay plan will. It's just too simple. You are going to earn whether you like it or not.


Until Next time,

1 Minute Ads - Get Your Ads Seen Quickly and Often

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Part II -ET TU , BU

Better Universe's other partner, Bob Bowen, sent out another email today. Bob, was kinda left holding the bag by the sudden resignation of Steve Gresham, founder and CEO. In this letter Bob, implored the "membership" to follow him into this new program that was launching. The membership was being given a "heads up" and should secure their position quickly.

I felt kind of sad to see this once respected "giant" groveling to a defunct member base.
You see the company he was pitching a heads up about is already out of the bag. It's MyWorldPlus and it's AWESOME. I had advised those in my downline to join several weeks ago when BU left us holding the bag.

It is, however, proof that people know a good thing when they see it. MyWorldPlus has a superior compensation plan and even if you don't want to build a business the discount card alone will provide you with outstanding savings. We saved way more than the cost of a membership ( $19.95 a month) just by using the discount card.

If you want to build a business choose option 3. You will then be eligible for bonuses, fast starts, and more. Even if you choose not to sponsor anyone or sell any memberships you still can earn commissions down to 5 levels.

If you would like to join our MyWorld team click here.

Sunday, February 18, 2007


I just received a letter that solidified something I had been suspecting could happen for a few weeks now. Today, Better Universe, the company formerly known as Movie Club Plus " ceased" operations. My title references the epic last words of the mighty Julius Caesar as many will feel betrayed by the sudden closing of what seemed a reputable biz.

My suspicions began late last year when Better Universe stopped having conference calls. Communications began to fall off and when I recognized the names of several prominent members joining another company Savings Highway I felt that something was happening at Better Universe. Because I recognized this as not a good sign, I too started cutting my losses and went back to free member. I had hoped it would end differently but the warning signs were too much to ignore.

What makes it harder to stomach is that the CEO, Steve Gresham, seemed like a really spiritual, "honest" type of guy who was trying to do some good for a change. Don't know know what really happened , so I won't waste time hurling accusations. Suffice it to say, I was able to cut my losses by learning from past experience to watch the signs.

At any rate, what's done is done. Better Universe has imploded and I have moved on to a new planet, MyWorld.

See you next time,

Want to make money fast? Click Here to visit my page.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

New Year , New Vision, Better Results

I have started out the new year by continuing to cut my losses and by returning to the basics. Already, I'm getting results from my new marketing campaigns.

I realized last year that I had gotten away from the basic things like list building. I spent too much time chasing the hyip and paid surf trend losing a lot of money,like a lot of people did. This year I have started to focus more on building my own personal lists not someone elses and traffic generation.

I found two killer opportunities and fine tuned my traffic campaigns for massive action. I am already getting signups into those programs.

One of the programs is MyWorldPlus and it has plenty of merit. The major product is something everyone can use, a discount card. I don't know anyone who doesn't like to save money or earn money. With MyWorldPlus you can do both at the same time. Response has been fabulous and I believe it will be a star in 2007.

The other is LoftyProfits which only cost me a one time $49 fee and I stand to make some good money once the program launches. I don't like it as much as MyWorldPlus but it does have merit.

That's it for today.
